Browsing NUPI Research Online by Subject "Handel"
Now showing items 21-40 of 51
Irreversible eksportkostnader: Hvordan de påvirker bedrifterseksportbeslutninger og internasjonal handel
(NUPI-notat;827, Working Paper, 2013) -
Market specific fixed and sunk export costs – Learning and spillovers
(NUPI-notat;803, Working Paper, 2012) -
No Way to Meet Commitments for Norway’s Meat Imports
(Working Paper;846-2015, Working Paper, 2015) -
Non-tari measures, exporting,and productivity : evidence from microdata in food processing industry
(Working Paper;854, Working Paper, 2015) -
Non-tariff barriers, trade integration and the gravity model
(Working Paper;843-2015, Working Paper, 2015) -
Norges handelsforhandlinger med EU gjennom 50 år: Sakskoblinger og forhandlingsmakt
(Chapter, 2020)Kapitlet gir en historisk oversikt over Norges handelsforhandlinger med EU fra 1973 og fram til i dag, med særlig vekt på utfallet for sjømatnæringen. Rundt 1990 ga EFTA forhandlingsmakt til tross for ulike næringsinteresser. ... -
Norges plass i partnerskapet mellom EU og USA – institusjonelle og regulatoriske aspekter
(NUPI Working paper;873, Research report, 2016)Abstract Det følgende omfatter to delrapporter som tjener som underlagsmateriale for sammenfatningene i hovedrapporten TTIP og Norge: Virkninger og handlingsvalg; henholdsvis delrapport I: Norsk deltakelse i handels-partnerskapet ... -
Norsk handel med de fattigste – mellom profitt og utviklingspolitikk
(NUPI-rapport;, Research report, 2012) -
Norway and the BRICS (III): Trade, Ivestments and Opportunities
(NUPI Policy Brief;10-2015, Research report, 2015) -
Norwegian exports in global value chains
(NUPI Report;2018-9, Research report, 2018)This study analyses the participation of the Norwegian economy in global value chains in 2000-2014, following the gross exports decomposition framework in Koopman, Wang and Wei (2014) and using the World Input-Output ... -
Opportunities and Constraints in Central and South Asia Trade Flows - Perspectives from Afghan Traders in Tajikistan
(NUPI-rapport;, Research report, 2010) -
Regional Development of Russian Industry
(Working Paper;757, Working Paper, 2009) -
Regional Trade Agreements in East Asia
(NUPI-notat;823, Working Paper, 2014) -
Regional Trade Agreements vs. Multilateral Trading System: A Study of Chinese Interests and Policy Options
(Working Paper;762, Working Paper, 2009) -
Rosneft’s offshore partnerships: the re-opening of the Russian petroleum frontier?
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)During an intense period of only 14 months, from June 2010 to August 2011, six major cooperation agreements between oil companies were announced in Russia. Almost all of these partnerships involved offshore projects, with ... -
Services and Development - The Scope for Special and Differential Treatment in the GATS
(NUPI-rapport;, Research report, 2010) -
Sjømatnæringen og Europa: EU-medlemskap, EØS eller NOREXIT?
(Chapter, 2020)EØS er en omfattende avtale med mange tusen rettsakter nedfelt i norske lover og praksis, men antall rettsakter varierer sterkt mellom ulike saksfelter, og på noen områder er håndhevelsen viktigere enn nye lover. Norge har ... -
The spiralling effects of the Sino-American trade war
(NUPI Policy Brief;2020-09, Research report, 2020)Almost two years ago, China and the United States instigated a trade conflict which has had serious international effects, a situation since exacerbated by the Covid-19 pandemic. What has truly made a solution to this ... -
Swiss-EU Relations With a Focus on the Current Situation
(NUPI Research Paper;2021-3, Research report, 2021)In 1992, Swiss voters rejected an accession to the European Economic Area (EEA). Among different reasons for this were institutional and sovereignty questions, such as the dynamic adoption of new EU legislation, and the ... -
Tariff Rate Quotas – Free Trade or Non-Tariff Barriers? The Case of Norwegian Seafood Exports to the EU
(Working Paper;844-2015, Working Paper, 2015)