Blar i NUPI Research Online på emneord "VDP::Internasjonal politikk: 243"
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Ad hoc coalitions in global governance: short-notice, task- and time-specific cooperation
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Ad hoc coalitions (AHCs) are an indispensable but scantly conceptualized part of global governance. In recent years, several typologies and classifications of global governance arrangements have been provided, mostly ... -
Ad-hoc Security Initiatives, an African response to insecurity
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)This article contends that Ad-hoc Security Initiatives (ASI) have developed over the last decade in the Sahel and Lake Chad Basin and represents a new form of African collective security mechanism. The G5 Sahel Force and ... -
Afterword: Gendering the Brand
(Chapter, 2021)One potentially productive way of framing the debates about nation-branding and public diplomacy is to consider them both subsumed under the broader motivations of status, prestige and reputation. On the one hand, it ... -
Age of Marriage and Women's Political Engagement: Evidence from India
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Although decades have passed since most women in the democratic world gained the right to vote and run for election, a large gender gap in political participation persists, particularly in developing countries. This short ... -
The Amazon rainforest and the global–regional politics of ecosystem governance
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)This article examines the global–regional politics of ecosystem governance through the case of the Amazon rainforest. Despite the bourgeoning literature on global and regional environmental politics, the interplay of these ... -
Analyzing Security Subregions: Forces of Push, Pull, and Resistance in Nordic Defense Cooperation
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)How can we best analyze security subregions? The most commonly used theory of regional security in the discipline of international relations, the regional security complex theory, focuses on large regions, such as Europe, ... -
The ASEAN climate and energy paradox
(Journal article, 2021)This article carries out a multisectoral qualitative analysis (MSQA) and policy integration analysis of six sectors important for climate mitigation in Southeast Asia in order to assess the status of the climate-energy ... -
Assessing the Effectiveness of the United Nations Mission in Mali (MINUSMA)
(EPON Report;4/2019, Research report, 2019) -
Assessing the Effectiveness of the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus (UNFICYP) and The Office of the Special Adviser to the Secretary- General on Cyprus (OSASG)
(EPON Report;, Research report, 2021)This report assesses the extent to which the UN Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus (UNFICYP) along with the Office of the Special Adviser to the Secretary- General on Cyprus (OSASG) – also called the mission of the Good Offices ... -
AUKUS and its implications for Asia, US-European relations and non-proliferation
(NUPI Policy Brief;2021-11, Research report, 2021)The political, strategic and technological aspects of the AUKUS deal may be more important than the provision of nuclear-powered submarines. The deal is a clear sign of the US tilt towards Asia and will have important ... -
Bastionforsvaret og Russlands militærmakt. Et utdatert trusselbilde?
(NUPI Policy Brief;2021-2, Research report, 2021)Russlands potensielle etablering av Bastionforsvaret er forankret i inneværende langtidsplan (LTP) som Forsvarets dimensjonerende scenario for en eventuell stormaktskonflikt. Kombinasjonen av våpenteknologisk utvikling og ... -
Between classical and critical geopolitics in a changing Arctic
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Puzzled by how geographical changes in the Arctic might cause changes in state behavior the authors of this article have been inspired to return to the roots of geopolitical reasoning. By combining insights from the ... -
The Big Man Muqtada al-Sadr: Leading the Street in Iraq under Limited Statehood
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)The article conceptualises the Shia cleric Muqtada al-Sadr as a big man to explain his proven capability for navigating the hazardous terrain of Iraqi politics. Introduced in Sahlins’ anthropology on Melanesia and refined ... -
Biowar next? Security implications of the coronavirus
(LSE Ideas Strategic Update;, Research report, 2020)In this Strategic Update, Karsten Friis investigates the pandemic's potential consequences for the world, its armed forces, the integration of Europe, US-China relations, as well as the concept and practice of 'war' more ... -
Blikket i glasskulen: NATO de neste 70 år
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Hvordan vil det gå med NATO? Vil alliansen overleve de neste 70 år? Hvilke utfordringer vil alliansen i så fall måtte håndtere? Artikkelen spekulerer på fremtiden og forsøker å se inn i glasskulen og peke på noen mulige ... -
Can Aid Solve the Root Causes of Migration? A Framework for Future Research on the Development-Migration Nexus
(PISM Policy Paper;, Research report, 2020)An important dimension of the European Union’s response to the 2015 refugee and migration management crisis has been to address the root causes of irregular migration. A major tool the EU has to mitigate push factors of ... -
Caring and Carers: Diplomatic Personnel and the Duty of Care
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)This article deals with the duty of care that states hold in relation to their citizens abroad — more specifically, the double role of diplomatic personnel, as both providers and recipients of care. The focus of discussion ... -
Chad’s Pivotal Role in the Regional Crisis
(ISPI Commentaries;, Research report, 2020)An analysis of Chad's regime role in the context of the military and humanitarian crisis in the Lake Chad Basin -
China and South Asia Crisis Management in the Era of Great Power Competition
(NUPI Research Paper;4/2020, Research report, 2020)Until very recently, China had been seen as an important and constructive force in the crisis management in South Asia in the event of an India-Pakistan military crisis. Part of the perception originated from historical ... -
China in the Sustainable Development Agenda: Contributions to health and education
(NUPI Policy Brief;2020-3, Research report, 2020)China is scaling up its investments in health and education, making significant contributions to the UN 2030 Agenda and related Sustainable Development Goals. Domestically, China is working to modernize its entire health ...