Browsing NUPI Research Online by Author "Godzimirski, Jakub M."
Now showing items 1-20 of 28
Addressing the Challenge of Russian Hybrid Warfare the NATO Way:The Case of Norway and Romania
Godzimirski, Jakub M.; Bargaoanu, Alina; Ceuca, Razvan (FLANKS 2 Joint Working Paper;II, Research report, 2024)The main objective of this report is to present how NATO has understood and been dealing with the challenge of the Russian political and hybrid warfare. In addition this study examines how two NATO member states, Norway ... -
Caught in the liberal pragmatic trap? How political parties viewed energy dependence on Russia in three European countries 2012–2022
Godzimirski, Jakub M.; Myhre, Marthe Handå; Onderco, Michal (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)After Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, and its subsequent decision to stop its gas export to Europe, Europe’s energy dependence on Russia was put on full display. In this paper, we map energy ... -
Common Fears, Common Opportunities? Czechia and Norway in the changing international context
Haugevik, Kristin M.; Tallis, Benjamin; Andersen, Morten Skumsrud; Galeotti, Mark; Godzimirski, Jakub M.; Mazac, Jan; Svendsen, Øyvind; Zhirukina, Elena (Research report, 2020)With long-dominant structures in flux, European states – and perhaps smaller ones in particular – are now forced to rethink their foreign policy approaches and practices. This policy briefs outlines how one small Northern ... -
Energy, Climate Change and Security: The Russian Strategic Conundrum
Godzimirski, Jakub M. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Global and regional energy markets are increasingly influenced by policies aimed at climate change mitigation, with possible grave implications for major producers and exporters of fossil fuels – including Russia, which ... -
Engergy Security in the Baltic Sea Region: Regional coordination and and management of interdependencies
Godzimirski, Jakub M.; Vilpišauskas, Ramūnas; svedas, romas (Research report, 2015)The study maps changing energy relations in the Baltic Sea region in the aftermath of two events – the 2004 EU enlargement that has changed the political and institutional / regulatory landscape of the region and the ... -
Explaining Russian reactions to increased NATO military presence
Godzimirski, Jakub M. (NUPI Policy Brief;2019-16, Research report, 2019)Ever since NATO’s enlargement process began, Russia has voiced concerns for the impact of a greater NATO military presence near the Russian border for its national security. While the signing of the 1997 NATO–Russia Founding ... -
How to make NATO better prepared to meet the challenge of the Russian political warfare? Lessons from Norway and Romania
Godzimirski, Jakub M. (FLANKS 2 Policy Brief;4, Research report, 2024)This Policy Brief provides some policy recommendations on how to deal with the challenge of hybrid warfare in the context of the ongoing war in Ukraine based on the findings of the FLANKS 2 project invoving the New Strategy ... -
How to understand and deal with Russian strategic communication measures?
Østevik, Malin; Godzimirski, Jakub M. (NUPI Policy Brief;2018-01, Research report, 2018)Russia’s use of communicative tools to promote the country’s strategic objectives in the aftermath of the 2014 crisis in Ukraine has posed a new strategic challenge to the Western policy-making community. NATO, the EU ... -
Mapping Energy Expertise: Actors and Topics
Øverland, Indra; Eikeland, Per Ove; Godzimirski, Jakub M.; Rottem, Svein Vigeland (Research report, 2009)The study has been funded by the Stavanger Chamber of Commerce on behalf of a consortium of research-related actors in the Stavanger region,1 and conducted as a collaborative project between the Fridtjof Nansen Institute ... -
New European Diasporas and Migration Governance : Poles in Norway
Godzimirski, Jakub M.; Stormowska, Marta; Dudzińska, Kinga (GoodGov Report;2015/September, Research report, 2015)The EU has usually considered immigration policy for third country nationals and the free movement framework for EU citizens to be two separate policy fields. Increasingly, they are being conflated. This places a country ... -
Norges nye vi: Diasporaer som faktor i norsk utenrikspolitikk. Rapport til Utenriksdepartementet
Godzimirski, Jakub M.; Neumann, Iver Brynild; Alghasi, Sharam (NUPI-rapport;2011, Research report, 2011) -
Norway and Romania: Navigating Information Warfare
Godzimirski, Jakub M.; Blackburn, Matthew; Ionita, Daniel; Cristea, Ion; Stefureac, Remus (Research report, 2024)The study „Norway and Romania: Navigating Information Warfare” explores the use of disinformation, propaganda, and interference to manipulate public discourse amid the Ukraine war. It discusses how these tactics exploit ... -
Polen og krigen i Ukraina: Er stemningen i ferd med å snu?
Godzimirski, Jakub M. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Hovedmålet med denne artikkelen er å kartlegge hvordan den russiske invasjonen av Ukraina har påvirket polske holdninger og dermed polsk politikk. Artikkelen begynner med en grundig gjennomgang av polakkenes holdninger til ... -
Polish-Norwegian Perceptions and Interactions
Godzimirski, Jakub M.; Szulecki, Kacper; Stormoen, Ole Martin; Szacawa, Damian; Smura, Tomasz (Research report, 2024)This working paper which is one of deliverables of the NORPOLFACTOR project maps mutual perceptions of Poland in Norway and Norway in Poland, the basic ideas informing their approaches to security-related challenges caused ... -
Presidentvalget i Hviterussland: Kan vi se begynnelsen på slutten for Europas siste diktatur?
Godzimirski, Jakub M. (Journal article, 2020)Denne artikkelen som er publisert som bidrag til Den norske Atlanterhavskomite serie Ukens analyse ser på det nylig avholdte presidentvalget i Hviterussland, og diskuterer om vi er i ferd med å se begynnelsen på slutten ... -
Protection of critical infrastructure in Norway – factors, actors and systems
Godzimirski, Jakub M. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)The main aim of this article is to examine how the issue of protecting critical infrastructure is addressed in Norway. To answer this question, the article addresses two important sub-questions – what is to be understood ... -
Report: GoodGov: Work Together, Govern Better: Polish and Norwegian Cooperation towards More Efficient Security, Energy and Migration Policies
Godzimirski, Jakub M.; Puka, Lidia; Kasianiuk, Krzysztof; Nowak, Zuzanna; Terlikowski, Marcin (Research report, 2016)This report presents the main findings of the research project conducted between 2013 and 2016 by the Polish Institute of International Affairs (PISM) and the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI), with support ... -
Rosneft’s offshore partnerships: the re-opening of the Russian petroleum frontier?
Øverland, Indra; Lunden, Lars Petter; Fjærtoft, Daniel; Godzimirski, Jakub M. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)During an intense period of only 14 months, from June 2010 to August 2011, six major cooperation agreements between oil companies were announced in Russia. Almost all of these partnerships involved offshore projects, with ... -
Russian approaches to military technology. The Northern dimension
Godzimirski, Jakub M. (NUPI Policy Brief;2020-8, Research report, 2020)This policy brief presents the main findings of a project on Russian approaches to technological challenges, and the implications for security developments in the High North. It begins by examining the Russian debate on ... -
Russian energy and grand strategy
Godzimirski, Jakub M. (NUPI Policy Brief;2020-16, Research report, 2020)This Policy Brief presents the most recent data on the performance of the Russian energy sector and discusses its strategic importance in the current setting.