• The Arctic Environmental Responsibility Index: A method to rank heterogenous extractive industry companies for governance purposes 

      Øverland, Indra; Bourmistrov, Anatoli; Dale, Brigt; Irlbacher-Fox, Stephanie; Juraev, Javlon; Podgaiskii, Eduard; Stammler, Florian; Tsani, Stella; Vakulchuk, Roman; Wilson, Emma C. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
    • Are renewable energy sources more evenly distributed than fossil fuels? 

      Øverland, Indra; Juraev, Javlon; Vakulchuk, Roman (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      The energy transition literature assumes that renewable energy sources are more evenly distributed globally than fossil fuels. This assumption implies that the shift from fossil fuels to renewables will enable more countries ...
    • The ASEAN climate and energy paradox 

      Øverland, Indra; Sagbakken, Haakon Fossum; Chan, Hoy-Yen; Merdekawati, Monika; Suryadi, Beni; Utama, Nuki Agya; Vakulchuk, Roman (Journal article, 2021)
      This article carries out a multisectoral qualitative analysis (MSQA) and policy integration analysis of six sectors important for climate mitigation in Southeast Asia in order to assess the status of the climate-energy ...
    • ASEAN’s energy transition: how to attract more investment in renewable energy 

      Vakulchuk, Roman; Øverland, Indra; Suryadi, Beni (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      The energy transition is progressing slowly in the ten member states of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). To achieve ASEAN’s target of 23% renewables in the primary energy supply by 2025, the region would ...
    • BRI in Central Asia: Agriculture and Food Projects 

      Vakulchuk, Roman; Øverland, Indra; Aminjonov, Farkhod; Abylkasymova, Alina; Eshchanov, Bahtiyor; Moldokanov, Daniyar (Central Asia Data-Gathering and Analysis Team (CADGAT);26, Research report, 2019)
      This data article looks at Chinese investment in agriculture and food production in Central Asia. It shows that the agricultural sector projects have low priority within the Belt and Road Initiative. Kazakhstan is the ...
    • BRI in Central Asia: Energy Connectivity Projects 

      Vakulchuk, Roman; Øverland, Indra; Aminjonov, Farkhod; Abylkasymova, Alina; Eshchanov, Bahtiyor; Moldokanov, Daniyar (Central Asia Data-Gathering and Analysis Team (CADGAT);22, Research report, 2019)
      One of the strategic objectives of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) in Central Asia is to provide China with alternative import/export and energy supply routes. This data article shows that the presentation and coverage ...
    • BRI in Central Asia: Finance and IT Projects 

      Vakulchuk, Roman; Øverland, Indra; Aminjonov, Farkhod; Abylkasymova, Alina; Eshchanov, Bahtiyor; Moldokanov, Daniyar (Central Asia Data-Gathering and Analysis Team (CADGAT);25, Research report, 2019)
      China and its Central Asian counterparts pursue finance and IT projects for both commercial and strategic reasons. As this data article shows, transparency is limited and exact information on the size of their investments ...
    • BRI in Central Asia: Industrial Projects 

      Vakulchuk, Roman; Øverland, Indra; Aminjonov, Farkhod; Abylkasymova, Alina; Eshchanov, Bahtiyor; Moldokanov, Daniyar (Central Asia Data-Gathering and Analysis Team (CADGAT);24, Research report, 2019)
      China’s investment in the industrial sectors of Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan has been on the rise since the 1990s. However, this data article shows the recent expansion of Chinese investment also in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. ...
    • BRI in Central Asia: Mineral and Petroleum Exploration, Extraction and Processing Projects 

      Vakulchuk, Roman; Øverland, Indra; Aminjonov, Farkhod; Abylkasymova, Alina; Eshchanov, Bahtiyor; Moldokanov, Daniyar (Central Asia Data-Gathering and Analysis Team (CADGAT);23, Research report, 2019)
      Mineral resources is the sector that receives most Chinese investment in Central Asia. China and its Central Asian partners pursue both strategic and commercial goals by promoting projects in the minerals sector. Kazakhstan ...
    • BRI in Central Asia: Overview of Chinese Projects 

      Vakulchuk, Roman; Øverland, Indra; Aminjonov, Farkhod; Abylkasymova, Alina; Eshchanov, Bahtiyor; Moldokanov, Daniyar (Central Asia Data-Gathering and Analysis Team (CADGAT);20, Research report, 2019)
      This data article summarises the analysis of 261 Chinese projects in Central Asia. The findings indicate that trade promotion and industrial development are the sectors where there is most BRI-related activity in Central ...
    • BRI in Central Asia: People-to-People Projects 

      Vakulchuk, Roman; Øverland, Indra; Aminjonov, Farkhod; Abylkasymova, Alina; Eshchanov, Bahtiyor; Moldokanov, Daniyar (Central Asia Data-Gathering and Analysis Team (CADGAT);27, Research report, 2019)
      Along with financing hard infrastructure projects, Beijing also promotes soft power projects in the form of people-to-people initiatives. However, such projects are low priority within the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI)in ...
    • BRI in Central Asia: Rail and Road Connectivity Projects 

      Vakulchuk, Roman; Øverland, Indra; Aminjonov, Farkhod; Abylkasymova, Alina; Eshchanov, Bahtiyor; Moldokanov, Daniyar (Central Asia Data-Gathering and Analysis Team (CADGAT);21, Research report, 2019)
      This data article shows that most of the rail and road projects in which the Chinese are involved in Central Asia are implemented within the territories of individual countries and thus are still poorly linked with each ...
    • Brunei Darussalam: How to Build an Investment Climate for Renewable Energy? 

      Vakulchuk, Roman; Chan, Hoy-Yen; Kresnawan, Muhammad Rizki; Merdekawati, Monika; Øverland, Indra; Sagbakken, Haakon Fossum; Suryadi, Beni; Utama, Nuki Agya; Yurnaidi, Zulfikar (ACE Policy Brief;04/2020, Research report, 2020)
      Brunei Darussalam has yet to make major progress in renewable energy and become an attractive destination for investors. Only 0.05% of Brunei’s electricity came from renewable energy sources, while 99.95% was based on ...
    • Cambodia: Five Actions to Improve the Business Climate for Renewable Energy Investment 

      Vakulchuk, Roman; Chan, Hoy-Yen; Kresnawan, Muhammad Rizki; Merdekawati, Monika; Øverland, Indra; Sagbakken, Haakon Fossum; Suryadi, Beni; Utama, Nuki Agya; Yurnaidi, Zulfikar (ACE Policy Brief;05/2020, Research report, 2020)
      Cambodia has not attracted significant investment in renewable energy until mid-2020 and, unlike other ASEAN countries, has not set exact renewable energy targets. Despite this, the country is viewed as a model to learn ...
    • Central Asia is a missing link in analyses of critical materials for the global clean energy transition 

      Vakulchuk, Roman; Øverland, Indra (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      The energy transition is causing a surge in demand for minerals for clean energy technologies, giving rise to concerns about the sources and security of supplies of critical materials. Although Central Asia was one of the ...
    • Central Asian Climate Policy Pledges Under the Paris Agreement: Can They Be Fulfilled? 

      Sabyrbekov, Rahat; Øverland, Indra Nobl; Vakulchuk, Roman (Chapter, 2023)
      The Central Asian region has been and will continue to be significantly impacted by climate change and all the region’s countries have pledged nation- ally determined contributions (NDCs) under the Paris agreement. This ...
    • Climate Change in Central Asia : Decarbonization, Energy Transition and Climate Policy 

      Sabyrbekov, Rahat; Øverland, Indra Nobl; Vakulchuk, Roman (Book, 2023)
    • Critical Materials for Development: A New Trajectory for Norwegian Foreign Aid Policy 

      Vakulchuk, Roman (NUPI Policy Brief;2023-08, Research report, 2023)
      The war in Ukraine has accelerated the global shift to renewable energy. As a result, global mineral and metal sup- ply chains have also started changing in response to rising demand for materials for clean energy technologies. ...
    • Critical materials for renewable energy: Improving data governance 

      Vakulchuk, Roman; Bekmuratov, Dastan; Boshell, Francisco; Dokk Smith, Ida; Garcia, Isaac Elizondo; Mamadzhanova, Gavkharkhon; Janeiro, Luis; Loginova, Julia; Gibson, Benjamin; Månberger, André; Øverland, Indra Nobl; Shwesin Aung, Thiri; Stankovic, Tatjana; Swanson, Philip (Research report, 2024)
      With increasing global demand for critical materials, the call for greater transparency in global supply chains and markets – including data availability – has been growing. The global transition to renewable energy relies ...
    • Customs Capacity Building for WCO Members 2012-2015 

      Carpena, Fenella; Vakulchuk, Roman (NUPI Report;2018-1, Research report, 2018)
      International trade offers a wealth of opportunities for low-income countries to reduce poverty and achieve growth in today’s global economic landscape. In such an environment, customs administrations play a critical role ...