Publikasjoner fra Cristin - NUPI
Recent Submissions
Polen og krigen i Ukraina: Er stemningen i ferd med å snu?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Hovedmålet med denne artikkelen er å kartlegge hvordan den russiske invasjonen av Ukraina har påvirket polske holdninger og dermed polsk politikk. Artikkelen begynner med en grundig gjennomgang av polakkenes holdninger til ... -
UK Counter-Terrorism and Multiple and Complex Needs: A Policy-Informed Discourse Analysis
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024) -
Introduction: How Significantly Is European Security and Defence Policies Changing After Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024) -
Winning the Peace: The Role of Agonistic and Adaptive Peacebuilding in Sustaining Social Cohesion in Ukraine
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024) -
Fra kullsvart nåtid til grønn fremtid : Vest-Balkans vei mot EUs energimarked og grønn omstilling
(NUPI Report;2024-13, Research report, 2024)Seks land på Vest-Balkan er i ulike stadier av prosessen mot å bli EU-medlemmer: Albania, Bosnia og Hercegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, Nord-Makedonia og Serbia. Disse blir her referert til som “Vest-Balkan 6 (VB6)”. Før ... -
Introduction to the Special Issue on Under Communism’s Shadow The Memory of the Violent Past in Present-Day Russia
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Perhaps no topic could be more crucial to the concept of “post-communism” than how the Soviet past is commemorated, challenged, or forgotten. The study of historical memory is often correctly tied to identity politics and ... -
"Må Gud forbanne dine mordere" : Regimeretorikk om protestene for kvinne, liv, frihet
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Mens landsomfattende opprør raste og verden var rystet av overgrepet motJina Amini, dyrket den regimelojale pressen i Iran sine egne offerhistorier. -
The Neumannian Methodology
(Chapter, 2025) -
Prestige and punishment: Status symbols and the danger of white elephants
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024) -
To reform or not reform? Competing energy transition perspectives on Indonesia's monopoly electricity supplier Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN)
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)This paper maps the opposing rationales for reforming or not reforming the giant monopoly electricity provider in the world's fourth most populous country. Indonesia's state-owned power company, Perusahaan Listrik Negara ... -
How do donors integrate climate policy and development cooperation? An analysis of the development aid policies of 42 donor countries
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024) -
Techno-optimism versus techno-reality: an analysis of internationally funded technological solutions against illegal unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing in Ghana and Guinea-Bissau
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Maritime governance has been immersed in growing techno-optimism.Technological developments have largely increased the capacity of states torender legible activities at sea and thus more effectively govern them. One areain ... -
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)How has legislation affected the creation of political parties since the return to the multiparty system in Brazil? When we discuss the high fragmentation of the Brazilian party system, one of the main reactions is to ... -
Differentiating Hybrid Threats against the High North and Baltic Sea regions
(NUPI Policy Brief;2024-09, Research report, 2024) -
Small states coalition building in EU policy-making: The cases of the Nordic and Baltic countries
(Chapter, 2024)Forming coalitions in various forms and shapes - institutionalized or ad hoc without any permanent structures, territorially constituted, i.e. consisting of countries from one region, or theme-based - has become an important ... -
The morphology of Putinism: the arrangement of political concepts into a coherent ideology
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Scholarly analysis has been divided as to whether Putinism is a coherent ideology. With the decision to invade Ukraine, this question requires reexamination. This article interprets the evolution of Putinism in morphological ... -
Addressing the Challenge of Russian Hybrid Warfare the NATO Way:The Case of Norway and Romania
(FLANKS 2 Joint Working Paper;II, Research report, 2024)The main objective of this report is to present how NATO has understood and been dealing with the challenge of the Russian political and hybrid warfare. In addition this study examines how two NATO member states, Norway ... -
Road through a broken place: The BRI in post-coup Myanmar
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)In the wake of the 2021 coup, Myanmar experienced a renewed civil war that has fragmented the country along a myriad of old and new conflict lines. Despite the high-intensity violence across many regions of the country, ... -
Emerging powers, the G20, and reform of multilateral institutions
(NUPI Report;2024-12, Journal article, 2024) -
Critical materials for renewable energy: Improving data governance
(Research report, 2024)With increasing global demand for critical materials, the call for greater transparency in global supply chains and markets – including data availability – has been growing. The global transition to renewable energy relies ...