Browsing Publikasjoner fra Cristin - NUPI by Title
Now showing items 569-588 of 1488
How the Axis of Evil Metaphor Changes Iranian Images of the USA
(NUPI Working Paper;655, Working paper, 2003)The respondents feared an American attack, and regarded their membership in «the Axis of Evil» as a stab in the back after Iranian help in Afghanistan. This demonisation was seen overwhelmingly in terms of American ... -
How the EU is facing crises in its neighbourhood: Evidence from Libya and Ukraine
(EUNPACK Report; 31.03.2017, Research report, 2017) -
How The Joint Strike Fighter Seeks To Preserve Air Supremacy For Decades To Come
(NUPI Policy Brief;, Research report, 2017)Since its inception in 2001, the Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) program has cleared several technical and political hurdles as it is nearing the end of its development stage, formally known as System Development and Demonstration ... -
How the New Cold War travelled North (Part I) Norwegian and Russian narratives
(NUPI Policy Brief;2018-14, Research report, 2018)The standoff between Russia and the West over Ukraine has already obstructed cooperation across a range of issues. Could it also affect state interaction between Norway and Russia in the Arctic—an area and a relationship ... -
How the New Cold War travelled North (Part II) Interaction between Norway and Russia
(NUPI Policy Brief;2018-15, Research report, 2018)This policy brief examines changing Russian and Norwegian approaches to each other in the period 2012–2016, and discusses how the “New Cold War” spread to the North. This is an intriguing question, since both parties had ... -
How to Deal with North Korea: Lessons from the Iran Agreement
(APLN/CNND Policy Brief;No. 24, Research report, 2016)The current and oft repeated pattern of responses to North Korean nuclear and missile provocations has failed to produce results. With the stakes becoming increasingly high it is time that a new approach is explored. The ... -
How to deal with North Korea: Lessons from the JCPOA
(NUPI Working Paper;866, Working paper, 2016) -
How to make NATO better prepared to meet the challenge of the Russian political warfare? Lessons from Norway and Romania
(FLANKS 2 Policy Brief;4, Research report, 2024)This Policy Brief provides some policy recommendations on how to deal with the challenge of hybrid warfare in the context of the ongoing war in Ukraine based on the findings of the FLANKS 2 project invoving the New Strategy ... -
How to understand and deal with Russian strategic communication measures?
(NUPI Policy Brief;2018-01, Research report, 2018)Russia’s use of communicative tools to promote the country’s strategic objectives in the aftermath of the 2014 crisis in Ukraine has posed a new strategic challenge to the Western policy-making community. NATO, the EU ... -
How UN Peacekeeping Operations Can Adapt to a New Multipolar World Order
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)We are experiencing a momentous phase-shift with potentially significant implications for UN peacekeeping. The unipolar era is waning in the face of a significant increase in the economic and political influence of countries ... -
How We Talk about the "War on Terrorism" : Comparative Research on Japan, Russia, and the United States
(NUPI Working Paper;728, Working paper, 2007)This paper focuses on how leaders in Western countries talk about the “war on terrorism.” The paper discusses the difficulties of defining “terrorism,” because, unlike Marxism or capitalism, “terrorism” is not an ideology. ... -
Huawei, 5G and Security: Technological Limitations and Political Responses
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)How did Chinese 5G providers, such as Huawei, become a security concern in the USA and Europe? Were the security concerns related to 5G and Chinese suppliers based upon technological features of the systems, or were they ... -
Humanitarian Security Needs in the Field : adressing the situation in Darfur
(NUPI Policy Brief;1-2010, Research report, 2010) -
The humanitarian-development nexus: humanitarian principles, practice, and pragmatics
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020) -
Hva betyr brexit for utenforlandet Norge?
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Storbritannia er på vei ut av EU. Hva betyr det for utenforlandet Norge? Siden folkeavstemningen 23. juni i fjor, har Europa fulgt den britiske regjeringens signaler og veivalg nøye. Når 28 EU-land blir til 27 vil det ikke ... -
Hva bør Europa gjøre? Migrasjonskrisen
(Chronicle, 2015)Først må den akutte migrasjonskrisen løses. Deretter må Europa finne varige politiske og institusjonelle løsninger. -
Hva gjør Norge utsatt for terrorisme? : Trusselscenarier og norsk sårbarhetsforvaltning
(NUPI Working Paper;673, Working paper, 2005)Til tross for en begrenset internasjonal terrortrussel mot Norge, kan noen utviklingstrekk, forhold og situasjoner bidra til at trusselbildet blir mer alvorlig, og aktualisere sårbarheter i det norske samfunnet. Noen av ... -
Hvem er cybereksperten? Ekspertise og professioner i cybersikkerhedsfeltet
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020) -
Hybrid media and hybrid politics: Contesting informational uncertainty in Lebanon and Tunisia
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)This paper investigates the dynamic relationship between hybrid media and hybrid politics in Lebanon and Tunisia. While previous research on the media in hybrid regimes has mainly focused on regime strategies of restricting ... -
The hybridisation of religion and nationalism in Iraqi Kurdistan: the case of Kurdish Islam
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)How do Kurdish Islamists navigate the dilemma of having to relate to Islamism and nationalism at the same time? And why have Kurdish authorities in Iraq taken steps to centralise control over religious activities since ...