Browsing Publikasjoner fra Cristin - NUPI by Title
Now showing items 609-628 of 1486
Improving livelihoods through conservation and education / Magda Rich, Ganga Changappa, Babu Raghavan and Karl M. Rich A case study of the Swastha butterfly garden
(NUPI Working Paper;829, Research report, 2014)Abstract In many parts of the developing world, those with physical or mental handicaps are often considered to be a burden on society, with limited to no remunerative activities available in the workforce. Activities such ... -
In Pursuit of Peacebuilding for Perpetual Peace - Where the UN’s Peacebuilding Architecture Needs to Go
(Working Paper;2010, Working Paper, 2010) -
In the Eye of the Beholder? UN and the use of drones to protect civilians
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013) -
In the name of development? The moral economy of a private sector–NGO partnership in Ethiopia
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Private actors have, over the past decade, entered the field of development operating in new forms of partnerships with established aid actors. Private actors now constitute a central means and objective of publicly funded ... -
In the shadow of the virus Varieties of power in the COVID-19 crisis in Venezuela
(NUPI Covid-19 Brief;2020-11, Research report, 2020)While all states face massive challenges when responding to COVID-19, some are in a more precarious position than others. In Venezuela, the pandemic arrived at the worst possible time for its citizens. Facing one of the ... -
The Inadvertent Influence of Peacekeeping and Peace Support Operations on Ghana’s Armed Forces
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Over the last two-three decades, the United Nations (UN), the African Union (AU) and Regional Economic Community or Regional Mechanisms (RECs/ RMs) have significantly improved the efficiency of their Peacekeeping Operations ... -
India: A Contradictory Record
(Chapter, 2019)This chapter provides a review of the role of women in Indian politics, with a focus on female legislators. It begins with an account of the entry of women into politics in the early 20th century. Second, it looks at the ... -
Indian perspectives on the use of force and the growing robustness of UN peacekeeping
(Research report, 2014) -
Indigenous to Indigenous Cooperation : Review of the Saami Council Projects in Africa
(NUPI Working Paper;671, Working paper, 2004)The Norwegian section of the Saami Council has been cooperating with two indigenous organizations in Africa since 2002: the Organization of Indigenous Peoples of Africa, based in Tanzania, and the First People of the ... -
Indonesia: How to Boost Investment in Renewable Energy
(ACE Policy Brief;06/2020, Research report, 2020)Indonesia, the largest country in Southeast Asia, has considerable renewable energy potential. However, this potential remains largely underexploited. Fossil fuel subsidies are a major obstacle to the deployment of renewable ... -
Industrial heterogeneity of the ICT industry : An exploratory survey on Norwegian firms
(NUPI Working Paper;641, Working paper, 2002)The paper presents evidence from a limited survey undertaken among Norwegian ICT firms in 2001, supplemented with other statistical evidence. Corresponding to the limited production of ICT hardware in Norway, the hardware ... -
Inn i gråsonen: avskrekking som forsvar av cyberspace?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019) -
Innledning. Norden og kunnskapssamarbeid med autoritære og ikke-allierte stater: betinget åpenhet med skjerpede krav til beskyttelse
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Betingelsene for internasjonal kunnskapsproduksjon og internasjonalt kunnskapssamarbeid er i endring. Det som lenge har vært et samfunnsområde preget av særlig liberale og åpne praksiser, er nå gjenstand for skjerpet ... -
Innovation and Competitiveness of Nordic Services (ICONS)
(NUPI-rapport;, Research report, 2008) -
Innovation, Absorptive Capacity and Complexity along Development Stages
(NUPI-notat;799, Working Paper, 2012) -
Innovations in disarmament, demobilization and reintegration policy and research - Reflections on the last decade
(Working Paper;774, Working Paper, 2010) -
Innovative and absorptive capacity effects of education in a small, open economy
(NUPI-notat;812, Working Paper, 2012) -
Inside Russia’s Imperial Relations: The Social Constitution of Putin-Kadyrov Patronage
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018)This article analyses how Moscow has extended its rule over Chechnia since the beginning of this century. Within the larger understanding of this rule as imperial in form, the current distinct contractual relation between ... -
Institutional Constraints to Effective Peacebuilding in Liberia
(NUPI Policy Brief;7-2010, Research report, 2010)