Browsing Publikasjoner fra Cristin - NUPI by Subject "Forsvar"
Now showing items 1-20 of 46
Adapting NATO’s Conventional Force Posture in the Nordic-Baltic Region
(PISM Policy Paper;No. 3 (156), Research report, 2017)The security of NATO members in the Nordic-Baltic region is interconnected by such factors as the possibility of geographical escalation, the importance of securing the North Atlantic for U.S. reinforcement of Europe, and ... -
After Crimea: The future of Nordic Defence Cooperation
(NUPI Policy Brief;2018-06, Research report, 2018) -
Analyzing Security Subregions: Forces of Push, Pull, and Resistance in Nordic Defense Cooperation
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)How can we best analyze security subregions? The most commonly used theory of regional security in the discipline of international relations, the regional security complex theory, focuses on large regions, such as Europe, ... -
Bastionforsvaret og Russlands militærmakt. Et utdatert trusselbilde?
(NUPI Policy Brief;2021-2, Research report, 2021)Russlands potensielle etablering av Bastionforsvaret er forankret i inneværende langtidsplan (LTP) som Forsvarets dimensjonerende scenario for en eventuell stormaktskonflikt. Kombinasjonen av våpenteknologisk utvikling og ... -
Biowar next? Security implications of the coronavirus
(LSE Ideas Strategic Update;, Research report, 2020)In this Strategic Update, Karsten Friis investigates the pandemic's potential consequences for the world, its armed forces, the integration of Europe, US-China relations, as well as the concept and practice of 'war' more ... -
Capable Companies or changing markets? Explaining the export performance of firms in the defence industry
(NUPI-notat;795, Working Paper, 2012) -
Complexities of Achieving Strategic Stability in Southern Asia: An Indian Perspective
(NUPI Research Paper;2020-05, Research report, 2020)The concept of strategic stability provides a framework for strengthening security in the nuclear age. This report explores the possibilities and constraints for achieving strategic stability in South Asia. The strained ... -
Comprehensive Approach. Challenges and opportunities in complex crisis management
(Security in Practice;11-2008, Research report, 2008) -
Conventional Counterforce Dilemmas: South Korea's Deterrence Strategy and Stability on the Korean Peninsula
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)In response to North Korea's nuclear weapons program, South Korea is quietly pursuing an independent conventional counterforce and countervalue strategy. This strategy is unique. Few, if any, nonnuclear states have sought ... -
Cyber Security Capacity Building in Developing Countries
(NUPI Policy Brief;15-2015, Research report, 2015) -
Cyber Security Capacity Building in Developing Countries: Challenges and Opportunities
(NUPI Report;3-2015, Research report, 2015) -
Defence Firms Facing Liberalization - Innovation and Export in an Agent-based Model of the Defence Industry
(NUPI-notat;793, Working Paper, 2011) -
Et ambisiøst fagmilitært råd
(Journal article, 2019)En diskusjon av det siste Fagmilitære rådet (FMR) fra Forsvarssjefen -
Etter beste evne – om Forsvaret og deres afghanske partnere
(Security in Practice;2-2012, Research report, 2012) -
European Defence and Third Countries after Brexit
(NUPI Policy Brief;2018-03, Research report, 2018)The UK’s departure from the European Union has given energy to the process towards ‘ever closer Union’ in the EU’s Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP). Many policies and initiatives have been brought to the table in ... -
European defence beyond institutional boundaries: Improved European defence through flexibility, differentiation and coordination
(NUPI Policy Brief;2021-13, Report, 2021)As a response to the changing geopolitical situation, initiatives aimed to strengthen European defence have been taken in NATO, in the EU, but also bi- and multilaterally between EU member states and associated non-members, ... -
The European Defence Fund and Norway
(NUPI Policy Brief;2020-13, Research report, 2020)The establishment of the European Defence Fund (EDF) represents an important step towards a more coherent European security architecture. It is broadly recognised that Europe needs to reduce duplication between, as well ... -
The European Maritime Security and Defence Policy Architecture: Implications for Norway
(NUPI Policy Brief;2021-12, Research report, 2021)Maritime security is high on the international and European security agenda, hence a number of new initiatives and actions have developed within the EU, NATO and through bilateral/minilateral agreements. To increase the ... -
Explaining Russian reactions to increased NATO military presence
(NUPI Policy Brief;2019-16, Research report, 2019)Ever since NATO’s enlargement process began, Russia has voiced concerns for the impact of a greater NATO military presence near the Russian border for its national security. While the signing of the 1997 NATO–Russia Founding ... -
Finding a European response to Huawei’s 5G ambitions
(NUPI Policy Brief;2019-05, Research report, 2019)This policy brief suggests that European countries should institute national reviewing boards overseen by intelligence agencies to vet Huawei equipment. If that is not feasible due to a lack of resources or capabilities ...