Viser treff 61-80 av 232

    • How the New Cold War travelled North (Part II) Interaction between Norway and Russia 

      Wilhelmsen, Julie Maria; Gjerde, Kristian Lundby (NUPI Policy Brief;2018-15, Research report, 2018)
      This policy brief examines changing Russian and Norwegian approaches to each other in the period 2012–2016, and discusses how the “New Cold War” spread to the North. This is an intriguing question, since both parties had ...
    • How the New Cold War travelled North (Part I) Norwegian and Russian narratives 

      Wilhelmsen, Julie Maria; Gjerde, Kristian Lundby (NUPI Policy Brief;2018-14, Research report, 2018)
      The standoff between Russia and the West over Ukraine has already obstructed cooperation across a range of issues. Could it also affect state interaction between Norway and Russia in the Arctic—an area and a relationship ...
    • The risks of being an ally 

      Godzimirski, Jakub M. (NUPI Policy Brief;2018-12, Research report, 2018)
      States join security alliances to increase their level of security vis-à-vis neighbours that may pose a threat. The deterrence logic that was the main rationale for joining NATO in 1949 still represents the cornerstone of ...
    • Predictive peacekeeping: opportunities and challenges 

      Duursma, Allard; Karlsrud, John (NUPI Policy Brief;2018-10, Research report, 2018)
      The time is ripe for the development of a UN early warning tool that estimates the likelihood of instability, intercommunity clashes and armed violence in areas in which UN peacekeepers operate. However, this development ...
    • International Cybersecurity: Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark 

      Tikk, Eneken; Kerttunen, Mika (NUPI Policy Brief;2018-11, Research report, 2018)
      Tikk and Kerttunen inform new entrants and nonparticipating governments of the discussions and outcomes of the UN First Committee Group of Governmental Experts (GGE) and discuss prospects for the 2019/2020 GGE. They explain ...
    • Sceptical diplomacy: Should heads of state bother to talk climate change science with Putin? 

      Rowe, Elana Tovah Wilson (NUPI Policy Brief;2018-09, Research report, 2018)
      This policy brief illustrates how the Russian top leadership discusses climate change and responds to interventions and efforts made by other countries’ leaders and high-level diplomats on the topic of climate change. The ...
    • Colombia between peace and war : The 2018 presidential elections and the way forward 

      Drange, Bård; Opdahl, Maja Lie (NUPI Policy Brief;2018-08, Research report, 2018)
      The presidential elections of 2018 are expected to have significant implications for the matter of peace, justice and conflict resolution in Colombia. Since conflict intensity rose considerably in the 1980s, presidential ...
    • After Crimea: The future of Nordic Defence Cooperation 

      Friis, Karsten; Saxi, Håkon Lunde (NUPI Policy Brief;2018-06, Research report, 2018)
    • Nordic responses to Brexit: Making the best of a difficult situation 

      Haugevik, Kristin M.; Fägersten,, Björn; Gunnarsson,, Pétur; Jokela,, Juha; Sørensen, Catharina; Thorhallsson, Baldur; Wivel, Anders (NUPI Policy Brief;2018-07, Research report, 2018)
      This policy brief examines how the British decision to withdraw from the EU has influenced the political debates in and foreign policies of the five Nordic states – Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden. With the ...
    • Cyber Security Capacity Building in Myanmar 

      Schia, Niels Nagelhus; Gjesvik, Lars (NUPI Policy Brief;2018-05, Research report, 2018)
      Digitalization is exposing developing countries to a growing number of risks, as well as opportunities associated with connecting to the Internet. Myanmar stands out as a critical case of both the pitfalls and the benefits ...
    • Sikkerhetspolitiske rammebetingelser i bevegelse 

      Torgeir, Larsen (NUPI Policy Brief;2018-04, Research report, 2018)
      Verden preges av mer kompleksitet og usikkerhet enn på flere tiår. Kanskje har vi har allerede vent oss til hyppigere omveltninger. Mennesker er tilpasningsdyktige. Kanskje har vi ikke fullt ut tatt inn rekkevidden – også ...
    • Russian foreign policy as an instrument for domestic mobilization 

      Busygina, Irina (NUPI Policy Brief;2018-02, Research report, 2018)
      Despite numerous declarations, the Russian authorities have done very little about domestic reforms, such as economic modernization. By contrast, Russia’s external policy has been extremely active, and is extensively debated ...
    • How to understand and deal with Russian strategic communication measures? 

      Østevik, Malin; Godzimirski, Jakub M. (NUPI Policy Brief;2018-01, Research report, 2018)
      Russia’s use of communicative tools to promote the country’s strategic objectives in the aftermath of the 2014 crisis in Ukraine has posed a new strategic challenge to the Western policy-making community. NATO, the EU ...
    • European Defence and Third Countries after Brexit 

      Svendsen, Øyvind (NUPI Policy Brief;2018-03, Research report, 2018)
      The UK’s departure from the European Union has given energy to the process towards ‘ever closer Union’ in the EU’s Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP). Many policies and initiatives have been brought to the table in ...
    • Surviving Brexit: twelve lessons from Norway 

      Sitter, Nick; Sverdrup, Ulf (NUPI Policy Brief;2017-11, Research report, 2017)
      One year after the referendum, after losing its majority in the general election, the UK government is revising what Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson famously labelled the ‘Cake-and-Eat-It’ approach to Brexit. In this ...
    • Burden-sharing in NATO. The Trump effect won’t last 

      Ringsmose, Jens; Jakobsen, Viggo (NUPI Policy Brief;2017-16, Research report, 2017)
      The Trump Administration has adopted a more confrontational and transactional approach to burden-sharing in NATO. It has threatened to “moderate” its commitment to the Alliance unless the European members increase their ...
    • Plug and Play: Multinational Rotation Contributions for UN Peacekeeping Operations 

      Boutellis, Arthur; Karlsrud, John (NUPI Policy Brief;2017-15, Research report, 2017)
      In January 2016, Norway deployed a C-130 military transport aircraft to the UN mission in Mali (MINUSMA). Given the number of attacks on patrols and logistics convoys of MINUSMA, which has been called ‘the world’s most ...
    • Surviving Brexit: twelve lessons from Norway 

      Sverdrup, Ulf; Nick, Sitter (NUPI Policy Brief;2017-11, Research report, 2017)
      One year after the referendum, after losing its majority in the general election, the UK government is revising what Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson famously labelled the ‘Cake-and-Eat-It’ approach to Brexit. In this ...
    • Russia’s Reorientation to the East: How Much Does Economy Matter? 

      Vakulchuk, Roman (NUPI Policy Brief;, Research report, 2017)
      This policy brief assesses Russian involvement in the growing Asia-Pacific economies, and offers an overview of the Far Eastern dimension of Russia’s economic relations with its major Asian partners, 2010–2016. It ...
    • Building Bridges for Success:Rethinking Peace Operations Training for Complex Environments 

      Vermeij, Lotte; Holen, Sine Vorland (NUPI Policy Brief;2017-13, Research report, 2017)
      Witnessing the changes in armed conflict since the 1990s, several global political-level agendas have emerged, recognizing the growing human suffering from armed conflict and the long-term consequences on societies. These ...