Blar i NUPI Report på utgivelsesdato
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Identitet og politikk: En utredning om kollektive selvbilder i politikken
(Research report, 1998) -
Corruption in former USSR countries and international oil business in Azerbaijan
(NUPI Rapport;253, Research report, 1999)This research report presents an analysis of corruption in Azerbaijan. We have mainly relied on secondary sources. Since data on observed corruption are scarce and unsystematic, we had to give much emphasis on background ... -
Stat, nasjon og verneplikt En genealogisk analyse av stats- og nasjonsbyggingen i Norge med fokus på verneplikten
(NUPI Rapport;256, Research report, 1999)Denne rapporten setter søkelyset på utviklingen av stat og nasjon i Norge. Spørsmålet den diskuterer er hvordan det har seg at vi faktisk finner oss i de restriksjoner og plikter staten pålegger oss. Ved å fokusere på ... -
Norden i felt: På oppdrag for FN og NATO
(NUPI Rapport;257, Research report, 2000)Rapporten fokuserer på ulike sider ved nordisk forsvarssamarbeid. Introduksjonen i del I gir bakgrunnen for rapporten. Del II inneholder en kort historisk gjennomgang av nordisk samarbeid i fredsstøttende operasjoner. ... -
Elite perceptions of ethical problems facing the Western oil industry in Azerbaijan
(NUPI Rapport;256, Research report, 2000)This is a study of the Azerbaijani political elite’s perceptions of Western oil companies and their contribution to – or hindrance of – the development of democracy and human rights. Twenty oppositional figures, including ... -
Mot demokratisk konsolidering i Russland? En studie av politisk kultur og demokratisering i det post-sovjetiske Russland
(NUPI Rapport;254, Research report, 2000) -
Justice and cultural diversity in Guatemala : an analysis of the rights of ethnic groups in Guatemala based on two liberal approaches to justice in multicultural democracies
(NUPI Rapport;255, Research report, 2000)The report is a revised version of the author's thesis by the same title. -
Bulwark, Bridge, or Periphery? Polish discourse on Poland and Europe
(NUPI Rapport;263, Research report, 2001)After the Communist regime started crumbling in 1989, the official foreign policy of Poland has been redefined. A central characteristic in this process has been Polish involvement in the process of European integration ... -
Selvforståelse og rolleforventning under ulike regimer: En studie av den russiske intelligentsiaens før og etter kommunismens fall sett i lys av Zygmunt Baumans og Pierre Bourdieus kultursosiologi
(NUPI Rapport;260, Research report, 2001)Denne studien undersøker rollemønstre og selvforståelse som intellektuelle utvikler under henholdsvis et totalitært og et demokratisk regime. Mer bestemt rettes søkelyset mot den intellektuelle forstått som en samfunnskritiker, ... -
Supermaktens akilleshæl? Politisk polarisering og beslutningsproblemer ved amerikanske internasjonale militære engasjement
(NUPI Rapport;262, Research report, 2001) -
Keeping the peace together? Joint Russian-Western peace operations in the Commonwealth of Independent States
(NUPI Rapport;259, Research report, 2001)The purpose of this report is to discuss the conditions for future multinational peace operations in the Commonwealth of Independent States, including both Russian and Western forces. The aim and scope of this study are ... -
Elite perceptions of ethical problems facing the Western oil industry in Iran
(NUPI Rapport;258, Research report, 2001)The hybrid of democratic and theocratic institutions of revolutionary Iran is now over twenty years old, and is undergoing challenge. An elected president with popular legitimacy but no control of the means of coercion is ... -
Corruption. A review of contemporary research
(NUPI Report;268, Research report, 2001)This report is an overview of contemporary research on corruption. The main objectives of the study have been to organise existing knowledge on corruption, discuss the major controversies within and across disciplines and ... -
Foreign Direct Investment in Norway’s Manufacturing Sector
(NUPI Rapport;268, Research report, 2001)This report investigates the location advantages of the Norwegian manufacturing industry while focusing on economic as well as institutional factors. The economy relies highly on the exploitation of natural resources and ... -
From Apparatchik to President – From Businessman to Khan: Regime Transition and Consolidation in the Russian Republics of Buryatia and Kalmykia
(NUPI Rapport;271, Research report, 2002) -
Learning, Networks and Sunk Costs in International trade: Evidence form Norwegian Seafood Exports
(NUPI Report;272, Research report, 2002) -
Components of Naval Nuclear Fuel Transparency
(NUPI Rapport;269, Research report, 2002) -
Hegemonens hamskifte : Bush, 11. september og amerikansk utenrikspolitikk
(NUPI Rapport;270, Research report, 2002) -
Ways of improvement in the Russian labour market with emphasis on the shadow employment
(NUPI Rapport;273, Research report, 2003)The report discusses the main peculiarities of the Russian labour market, such as the relatively low unemployment, the prevailing shadow labour relationships and the overmanning in the public sector. The report is organised ...