Browsing NUPI Research Online by Issue Date
Now showing items 21-40 of 1532
Rhetorique politique du terrorisme
(NUPI notat;439, Report, 1990-11)- Le terrorisme comme forme de communication: Des groupes marginaux recourent de manière spectaculaire à la force, pour obtenir de la part des médias la plus grande couverture possible. Il s'agit de faire passer un message ... -
NATO and the Northern Region : Security and Arms Control
(NUPI notat;437, Report, 1990-11)The present paper attempts to provide a framework for assessing the security challenges in the Northern Region of Europe within the context of a post-cold war order. Specific threats have been replaced by unspecific dangers. ... -
European Security : A View from the North
(NUPI notat;438, Report, 1990-11)The present paper outlines a Nordic and, primarily, a Norwegian perspective on the changes taking place in the political order in Europe. It opens by outlining the salient features of the cold-war order in Northern Europe. ... -
Virkninger av EFs handelspolitikk for u-land, med eksempel fra sukkermarkedet og teko-markedet
(NUPI notat;440, Report, 1991-02)Notatet tar for seg to ulike typer handelshindringer, bruk av variable eksportsubsidier og importavgifter på sukkermarkedet, og bruk av kvoterestriksjoner på teko-markedet. Fokuseringen ligger på virkningene for eksporterende ... -
Ethnic Conflict, Peacekeeping and Peacemaking towards 2000 : Second Generation Peacekeeping
(NUPI notat;442, Report, 1991-04)The Norwegian Institute of International Affairs was recently awarded a major grant by the Ford Foundation to conduct research on the future of UN peacekeeping. This research project will attempt to elaborate new political, ... -
Intet nytt under solen?
(Others, 1997) -
Identitet og politikk: En utredning om kollektive selvbilder i politikken
(Research report, 1998) -
Corruption in former USSR countries and international oil business in Azerbaijan
(NUPI Rapport;253, Research report, 1999)This research report presents an analysis of corruption in Azerbaijan. We have mainly relied on secondary sources. Since data on observed corruption are scarce and unsystematic, we had to give much emphasis on background ... -
Stat, nasjon og verneplikt En genealogisk analyse av stats- og nasjonsbyggingen i Norge med fokus på verneplikten
(NUPI Rapport;256, Research report, 1999)Denne rapporten setter søkelyset på utviklingen av stat og nasjon i Norge. Spørsmålet den diskuterer er hvordan det har seg at vi faktisk finner oss i de restriksjoner og plikter staten pålegger oss. Ved å fokusere på ... -
Us Russians versus we Russians: Patriotic discourse and electoral support in Krasnodar Kray
(NUPI Working Paper;604, Research report, 2000) -
Norden i felt: På oppdrag for FN og NATO
(NUPI Rapport;257, Research report, 2000)Rapporten fokuserer på ulike sider ved nordisk forsvarssamarbeid. Introduksjonen i del I gir bakgrunnen for rapporten. Del II inneholder en kort historisk gjennomgang av nordisk samarbeid i fredsstøttende operasjoner. ... -
Security, integration and identity change
(NUPI Working Paper;611, Working paper, 2000)In this working paper Pernille Rieker attempts to contribute to a better understanding of both how the EU functions as a security system and what kind of impact the integration process has on national security identities. ... -
An Essay on Child Labor in Sub-Saharan Africa - A Bargaining Approach
(NUPI Working Paper;613, Working paper, 2000)The separation of children from their families have a large number of social and economic aspects. At least the economic aspects are under-researched. At the point of transition of leaving their families somehow the ... -
Elite perceptions of ethical problems facing the Western oil industry in Azerbaijan
(NUPI Rapport;256, Research report, 2000)This is a study of the Azerbaijani political elite’s perceptions of Western oil companies and their contribution to – or hindrance of – the development of democracy and human rights. Twenty oppositional figures, including ... -
Family-controlled Child Labor in Sub-Saharan Africa - A Survey of Research
(NUPI Working Paper;612, Working paper, 2000)The paper presents and analyzes recent research into child labor problems in Africa, mainly made by economists and social anthropologists. It focuses on the labor performed in African households and controlled by the family. -
Foreign Ownership, R&D and Technology Sourcing
(NUPI Working Paper;606, Working paper, 2000)This paper explores the relationship between domestic R&D and the inflow of foreign capital through foreign direct investment and foreign ownership. The idea that firms invest in a foreign country in order to more easily ... -
Patterns of Trade and Foreign Direct Investment in Africa : A simple test of the new trade theory with multinationals
(NUPI Working Paper;607, Working paper, 2000)In this study, we present an empirical survey of the patterns of trade and FDI in Africa based on a sample of 28 countries and their transactions with the OECD countries. These patterns are used to test whether the predictions ... -
Forhandlingsmetodikk i WTO : Teoretiske resonnementer
(NUPI Working Paper;610, Working paper, 2000)Notatet klarlegger prinsipielle og praktiske forskjeller mellom de forhandlingsmetoder som har vært og kan komme til å bli brukt i WTO forhandlinger. Resonnementene baserer seg på økonomisk teori og forhandlingsteori. Selv ...