NUPI Working Paper = NUPI Notat
NUPI Working Paper aim to give a short presentation of a research topic, findings, etc. in a quick and easily accessible way to the public, to stimulate discussion and critical comment. The working papers are registered with an individual ISBN to enable citation and library referencing.
© Norwegian Institute of International Affairs
Recent Submissions
Afrika i en global krisetid: Noen utviklingstrekk
(NUPI Working Paper;900, Research report, 2023) -
Europa, miljøvern og vår sikkerhet
(NUPI notat;435, Report, 1990-10) -
Virkninger av EFs handelspolitikk for u-land, med eksempel fra sukkermarkedet og teko-markedet
(NUPI notat;440, Report, 1991-02)Notatet tar for seg to ulike typer handelshindringer, bruk av variable eksportsubsidier og importavgifter på sukkermarkedet, og bruk av kvoterestriksjoner på teko-markedet. Fokuseringen ligger på virkningene for eksporterende ... -
Confidence and Security Building in Europe : Achievements and Lessons
(NUPI notat;436, Report, 1990-10)The present paper analyses the history of military confidence-building measures (CBM) in the CSCE process. It describes and analyses the first generation of CBM negotiated in Helsinki. These were mainly symbolic measures ... -
Ethnic Conflict, Peacekeeping and Peacemaking towards 2000 : Second Generation Peacekeeping
(NUPI notat;442, Report, 1991-04)The Norwegian Institute of International Affairs was recently awarded a major grant by the Ford Foundation to conduct research on the future of UN peacekeeping. This research project will attempt to elaborate new political, ... -
Rhetorique politique du terrorisme
(NUPI notat;439, Report, 1990-11)- Le terrorisme comme forme de communication: Des groupes marginaux recourent de manière spectaculaire à la force, pour obtenir de la part des médias la plus grande couverture possible. Il s'agit de faire passer un message ... -
NATO and the Northern Region : Security and Arms Control
(NUPI notat;437, Report, 1990-11)The present paper attempts to provide a framework for assessing the security challenges in the Northern Region of Europe within the context of a post-cold war order. Specific threats have been replaced by unspecific dangers. ... -
European Security : A View from the North
(NUPI notat;438, Report, 1990-11)The present paper outlines a Nordic and, primarily, a Norwegian perspective on the changes taking place in the political order in Europe. It opens by outlining the salient features of the cold-war order in Northern Europe. ... -
Institutionalizing the CSCE Process : Considerations, Options and Constraints
(NUPI notat;434, Report, 1990-10)The present paper addresses the issues involved in institutio nalizing the CSCE. It warns against abstract modelling and favours incrementalism based on the special characteristics of the CSCE process. Institutions should ... -
Export Controls and East-West Energy Trade in the 199Os
(NUPI notat;424, Report, 1990-02)This article examines the changing political climate in Eastern Europe as the basis for changes in the conditions of East-West trade. The authors argue that gas trade is set to rise in general, because the security of ... -
East-West Economic Relations : A Historical View
(NUPI notat;427, Report, 1990-06)The recent political events in eastern Europe have set stage for a strengthening of east-west relations but, so far, progress on the economic front has not been very impressive. This lack of economic dynamism may have ... -
The Future of Europe : A Personal Scenario : Speech delivered to SAAB-Scandia Combitech Technology Show, Jonkoping, Sweden. May 3,1990.
(NUPI notat;425, Report, 1990-05)The present paper constitutes a private odyssey into Europe's future. The author hopes and expects (and he recognizes how hope may shape analysis) a Community order to constitute the primary framework for the political ... -
Kommunismens fall og ideologisk nyskaping
(NUPI notat;433, Report, 1990-10) -
Eliteintervjuing innan ramma for ein kumulativ og komparativ forskingsstrategi
(NUPI notat;431, Report, 1990-10) -
Global Warming and Policy Making : Observations presented to the NTNF Seminar on Energy and Environment at Sundvollen Hotel, September 17, 1990
(NUPI notat;430, Report, 1990-09)This paper outlines some of the major policy issues raised by the prospect of global warming. Scientific uncertainty create political disputes concerning risks and costs, about the trade-off between short-term welfare ... -
The Changing European Environment : Political Trends and Prospects
(NUPI notat;426, Report, 1990-05)The paper analyses prospective changes in the European political order. It looks back from four alternative scenarios of 1999: Europe of the Balance of Power; Europe of Two Alliances; Europe of Regions; Community Europe. ... -
The Prospects of an Economic and Monetary Union in Europe : A cost—benefit analysis
(NUPI notat;429, Report, 1990-08)The Delors report (April 1989) took the aim of an Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) as given and only outlined a strategy in order to achieve this goal. In spite of the fact that the EC countries have committed themselves ... -
The Process of Economic Integration in Europe : Consequences for EFTA Countries and Firms
(NUPI notat;428, Report, 1990-06)This paper discusses the impact of the completion of the EC internal market on the competitive position of EFTA firms (and, hence, also on economic growth in EFTA countries). The discussion falls in three parts. First, the ... -
Det politiske språket i Sovjetunionen : Inlegg som førsteopponent på Bo Peterssons doktoravhandling ved Universitetet i Lund varen 1990
(NUPI notat;432, Report, 1990-10) -
Civilian-Based Defence in a New Era A Keynote Address
(NUPI notat;422, Report, 1990)The paper proceeds from the premise that Europe is at the crossroads. The last empire in Europe is in the process of dissolution. In this context the position of Norway as a peripheral country bordering on the Soviet Union ...