Blar i NUPI Research Online på tittel
Viser treff 560-579 av 1532
Hacking democracy: managing influence campaigns and disinformation in the digital age
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020) -
Haiti: A Political Economy Analysis. Landanalyserapport
(Research report, 2018)Haiti is governed by a small economic elite and the majority of its poor and marginalized population has no access to power. This report analyses the historical roots of the deep socio-economic and political cleavage in ... -
Handelen med medisinske varer og Covid-19
(NUPI Covid-19 Brief;6/2019, Research report, 2020)The Covid-19 pandemy has exposed vulnerability for pharmaceuticals and medical goods. Does globalisation create more or less vulnerability? - The majority of countries import all their drugs and only eight countries are ... -
Handelspolitikken er tilbake
(Chronicle, 2015-10-20)Når oljeprisen faller blir handelspolitikken viktigere. Er tiden kommet for å koble fisk og landbruk i internasjonale forhandlinger? -
Handelspolitikken under Trump
(NUPI Notat;879, Research report, 2017) -
Handover from International to Local Actors in Peace Missions: Lessons from Burundi, Sierra Leone and Timor-Leste
(Security in Practice;5-2010, Research report, 2010) -
Har ikke EØS motstanderne fått med seg brexit?
(Others, 2018)Det pågår en debatt om EØS-avtalen. SV ønsker å utrede alternativer. Noen av EØS-motstanderne ønsker å gå tilbake til frihandelsavtalene fra 1973. Har de ikke fulgt med på brexit? Frihandelsavtalene ga tollfri adgang for ... -
Hardening Chinese Realpolitik in the 21st Century: The Evolution of Beijing’s Thinking about Arms Control
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021) -
Heads of States Can Change the Course of International Drugs Policy in 2016: Where does the EU stand?
(NUPI Policy Brief;16-2015, Research report, 2015) -
Heads of States Can Change the Course of International Drugs Policy in 2016: Where does the EU stand?
(NUPI Policy Brief;16-2015, Research report, 2015) -
Hegemonens hamskifte : Bush, 11. september og amerikansk utenrikspolitikk
(NUPI Rapport;270, Research report, 2002) -
Hegemonic-Order Theory: A Field-Theoretic Account
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)This article outlines a field-theoretic variation of hegemonic-order theory — one inspired primarily by the work of Pierre Bourdieu. We argue that hegemony derives from the possession of a plurality of meta-capital in world ... -
Heimevernet og forsvaret av Norge: Skjerpet trusselbilde, uforløst potensial
(NUPI Research Paper;2024-01, Research report, 2024) -
‘Here, I’m a Syrian in Erbil’: Identities and Livelihoods of the Syrian Refugees in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq
(Chapter, 2024)This chapter examines the livelihood and identities of the Syrian self-settled refugees living in Erbil city, the capital of the Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI). Although our case analyses a population of only a few more ... -
(Chapter, 2017) -
Holding the borders, holding the centre: the EU and the refugee crisis
(NUPI Policy Brief;2016-11, Research report, 2016)What has come to be called the ‘refugee crisis’ is the latest in a series of crises bedevilling the European Union – the four-fold monetary,budgetary, economic and financial ‘Euro-crisis’; a geopolitical security challenge ... -
Holdninger til EØS-avtalen etter 25 år: Stor oppslutning, men liten kunnskap
(Journal article, 2019)I anledning EØS-avtalens 25-årsjubileum gjennomførte NUPI og Sentio i januar 2019 en opinionsundersøkelse i den norske befolkningen for å kartlegge nordmenns holdninger til EØS-avtalen samt deres kunnskaper og vurderinger ... -
Holdninger til utenlandske investeringer fra Kina i de nordiske land
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Hva er holdningene i de nordiske landene til utenlandske investeringer? Spiller det noen rolle for befolkningen hvor de utenlandske investeringene kommer fra? Er man mer skeptisk til utenlandske investeringer innenfor noen ... -
HOLIDAYS IN CENTRAL ASIA Part I: Laws and official holidays
(Central Asia Data-Gathering and Analysis Team (CADGAT);, Research report, 2015)