Browsing NUPI Research Online by Title
Now showing items 732-751 of 1530
Lao PDR: How to Attract More Investment in Small-Scale Renewable Energy?
(ACE Policy Brief;7/2020, Research report, 2020)Lao PDR adopted the Renewable Energy Development Strategy in 2011 and set a target of 30% small-scale renewables in the energy mix by 2025. The country relies heavily on large hydropower in electricity production and is ... -
Learning from Experience - International Policing
(NUPI Policy Brief;2017-04, Research report, 2017) -
Learning, Networks and Sunk Costs in International trade: Evidence form Norwegian Seafood Exports
(NUPI Report;272, Research report, 2002) -
Leaving the European Union, the Union way : A legal analysis of Article 50 TEU
(Research report, 2016) -
Lebanese Sunni Islamism: A Post-Election Review
(HYRES Research Note;, Research report, 2019)This research note analyses the internal and external factors that led to Al-Jama‘a al-Islamiyya‘s loss of its only parliamentary seat in 2018. Al-Jama‘a al-Islamiyya is the Lebanese branch of the Muslim Brotherhood. Through ... -
Lebanon on the brink
(NUPI Policy Brief;2016-23, Research report, 2016)Gravely affected by the Syrian crisis, Lebanon has managed to remain relatively stable against all odds – despite the influx of some 1.5 million Syrian refugees and internal political crisis involving actors who support ... -
Lebanon poised at the brink
(NUPI Working Paper;868, Working paper, 2016)Gravely affected by the Syrian crisis, Lebanon has remained relatively stable against all odds – despite the influx of some 1.5 million Syrian refugees and an internal political crisis involving supporters of opposing Syrian ... -
Ledestjernen som forsvant: Storbritannia i norsk utenrikspolitikk
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015) -
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)How has legislation affected the creation of political parties since the return to the multiparty system in Brazil? When we discuss the high fragmentation of the Brazilian party system, one of the main reactions is to ... -
Legitimering gjennom (selektiv) felles fortid: russisk bruk av historie i Ukraina-konflikten
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)Legitimation Through a (Selective) Shared Past: Russia’s Use of History in the Conflict in Ukraine -
Les Facteurs Locaux Contribuant á L’Extrémisme Violent Dans le Centre du Mali
(Research report, 2019)Cette note d’orientation a pour objet d’étudier les processus de radicalisation et d’engagement dans l’extrémisme violent à Mopti, au centre du Mali. Plus particulièrement, elle examine les stratégies utilisées par la ... -
Lessons from the African Union Mission for Somalia (AMISOM) for Peace Operations in Mali
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013) -
Lessons from the Ebola Crisis in West Africa: Community engagement, crisis communication and countering rumours
(NUPI Covid-19 Brief;3/2020, Research report, 2020)What lessons can we draw from the 2014-2016 Ebola crisis in Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone? While both the outbreak itself and the context is different, there are enough similarities between the Ebola crisis and COVID-19 ... -
Linking Issues : Should one bargain over two issues simultaineously or separately?
(NUPI Working Paper;616, Working paper, 2001)International negotiations on trade (e.g. GATT and TRIPS) have typically been of the packageform, and different issues have therefore been linked to each other. Trade issues have not been linked to e.g. environmental ... -
Linking Regional Security and Human Rights in ASEAN
(7-2012;NUPI Policy Brief, Research report, 2012) -
Linking Regional Security and Human Rights in the African Union
(6-2012;NUPI Policy Brief, Research report, 2012) -
Local and global aspects of coal in the ASEAN Countries
(Chapter, 2021) -
Local and National Ownership in Post-Conflict Liberia: Foreign and Domestic Inside Out?
(Security in Practice;3-2011, Research report, 2011) -
Local content policies: Knowledge stock and future directions for research and policy making in view of the sustainability agenda
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Local content policies (LCPs) aim to create opportunities for employment and economic development, and to shield from the “resource curse” and enclave extractivism. LCPs are of ongoing policy interest in resource-rich ... -
Local Drivers of Violent Extremism in Central Mali
(Research report, 2019)This policy brief examines the processes of violent extremist mobilisation and radicalisation in Mopti, Central Mali. Specifically, it looks at the strategies employed by one of the most salient radical jihadist groups in ...