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Joint Donor Security Sector Needs Assessment [JDSSNA]
(Security in Practice;1 - 2007, Research report, 2007)Given the scale of the challenges across the security sector in Southern Sudan and the range of international actors engaged in it, the main aim of this report is to recommend potential ways for the Joint Donor Office ... -
Joint Evaluations and Learning in Complex Emergencies: Lessons from the Humanitarian and Development Domains
(Security in Practice;7-2009, Research report, 2009) -
Journalism under Instrumentalized Political Parallelism
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Media systems where political parallelism co-exists with political clientelism have contradictory influences on journalistic practices. Journalists are encouraged to actively defend a cause and influence public opinion ... -
Journalism Under Instrumentalized Political Parallelism
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Media systems where political parallelism co-exists with political clientelism have contradictory influences on journalistic practices. Journalists are encouraged to actively defend a cause and influence public opinion ... -
Justice and cultural diversity in Guatemala : an analysis of the rights of ethnic groups in Guatemala based on two liberal approaches to justice in multicultural democracies
(NUPI Rapport;255, Research report, 2000)The report is a revised version of the author's thesis by the same title. -
Kan valg av eksportmarked forklares med teorien om investeringer under usikkerhet? En økonomisk studie av atferden til norske fiskeeksportører
(NUPI Working Paper;624, Working paper, 2002)I denne artikkelen gjøres det rede for hvordan nye teorier for investeringer under usikkerhet kan anvendes til å forklare bedrifters eksportbeslutninger. Det gis en empirisk analyse basert på eksportadferden til norske ... -
Keeping the peace together? Joint Russian-Western peace operations in the Commonwealth of Independent States
(NUPI Rapport;259, Research report, 2001)The purpose of this report is to discuss the conditions for future multinational peace operations in the Commonwealth of Independent States, including both Russian and Western forces. The aim and scope of this study are ... -
Keeping the State: Religious Toleration in Early Modern France, and the Role of the State
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2003)Following the conflicts in the Balkans, minority issues have re-entered the European stage after a prolonged absence, and the question of minority rights in international politics has once more become a pressing and ... -
Key Policies Affecting Civilian Capacities
(NUPI Policy Brief;6-2015, Research report, 2015) -
Kina-politikken i Søreides periode som utenriksminister: kjente spor og nye konfliktlinjer
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Perioden med Ine Eriksen Søreide som utenriksminister (2017–2021) gir et spennende vindu inn i utviklingen for norsk Kina-politikk. Etter seks år med frys i de politiske relasjonene mellom Norge og Kina, fikk Søreide en ... -
Kinship in International Relations: Introduction and framework
(Chapter, 2019)This chapter identifies and discusses some of the ways in which kinship may be of use to IR scholars. The chapter offers examples of how kinship relations have manifested themselves historically in international relations, ... -
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022) -
Know your opponent: Which countries might fight the European carbon border adjustment mechanism?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022) -
Knowledge Management and Police Peacekeepers: Experiences and Recommendations.
(NUPI Report;2017-6, Research report, 2017)While over 90 countries contribute police personnel to international peace operations, only a handful systematically interview returned police and attempt to gather insights and information on their mission experiences. ... -
Kommunismens fall og ideologisk nyskaping
(NUPI notat;433, Report, 1990-10) -
Kosovo’s Security Transition: A Critical Study into the Establishment of the Kosovo Security Force
(Security in Practice;13-2010, Research report, 2010) -
Krig i Europa og franske bidrag til europeisk sikkerhet
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Etter den russiske invasjonen av Ukraina 24. februar 2022 har flere europeiske land måttet revurdere sin sikkerhets- og forsvarspolitikk. Dette gjelder også Frankrike. Selv om endringen i fransk sikkerhet- og forsvarspolitikk ... -
Krig mot Irak : Foreligger det et FN-mandat for bruk av militærmakt?
(NUPI Working Paper;643, Working paper, 2003)Foreligger det i dag et folkerettslig grunnlag for bruk av militærmakt mot Irak? Spørsmålet står sentralt i den pågående striden i, og rundt, FNs sikkerhetsråd. Dette notatet gjennomgår historikken omkring Sikkerhetsrådets ... -
Krig uten formål
(Chronicle, 2011-05-11)