Browsing Publikasjoner fra Cristin - NUPI by Title
Now showing items 262-281 of 1445
Damage Limitation and Decline in Institutional Powers: Russia’s Perception of the EU as a Security Actor 1999–2002
(NUPI Rapport;278, Research report, 2003)The report will discuss whether or not Russian interest and endorsement of the EU’s security and defense dimension repeated the overall strategic perspective of the Primakov doctrine, which aimed at counterbalancing US ... -
The Dangers of Disconnection: Oscillations in Political Violence on Lake Chad
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Narrations on fragility and resilience in the Sahel paint a picture about the region’s inherent ungovernability that lead to consider an endless state- and peace-building process as the most feasible governance solution. ... -
Darwinistisk seleksjon i en global økonomi
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015) -
DDR and SSR Challenges in Mali
(NUPI Working Paper;853, Working paper, 2015) -
De vanskelige spørsmålene - etter terrroren i Paris
(Chronicle, 2015)Angrepene i Paris har rystet oss alle. På lengre sikt blir to spørsmål særlig viktige: sikkerhet og integrering....Det følger derfor noen klare og langsiktige politiske konsekvenser av Paris. For det første må vi se på ... -
Debating Japan - Opposition: Japan Should Maintain Investments in Oil and Gas Projects
(Journal article, 2022)Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 was met with international condemnation as countries, led by the G7, began imposing sanctions against Russia. In March, the United States announced that it would prohibit the ... -
Debating terrorism in a political transition: Journalism and democracy in Tunisia
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)In March 2015, in the midst of a political transition, Tunisia was rocked by a terrorist attack at the Bardo Museum in downtown Tunis in which 21 people were killed. How did Tunisian journalists manage the tension between ... -
Decarbonisation and Critical Materials in the Context of Fraught Geopolitics: Europe’s Distinctive Approach to a Net Zero Future
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023) -
Defence Firms Facing Liberalization - Innovation and Export in an Agent-based Model of the Defence Industry
(NUPI-notat;793, Working Paper, 2011) -
The defence of northern Europe: new opportunities, significant challenges
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)With Finland and Sweden joining NATO, the Nordics will be united for the first time in a military alliance encompassing not only northern Europe but also the broader transatlantic region. It will eventually fortify northern ... -
Definitions of strategic political communication
(NUPI Working Paper;689, Working paper, 2005)Political communication comes in various forms. The first part of this paper presents some variants of political communication, and provides a set of definitions of such communication. A centre of gravity is along the ... -
Defusing a Ticking Bomb? : Disentangling International Organisations in Samtskhe-Javakheti
(NUPI Working Paper;646, Working paper, 2003)This article examines how various organisations divide and coordinate their conflict prevention and development aid in the Samtskhe-Javakheti region of southern Georgia, and how that coordination might be improved. There ... -
Democracy and Human Rights in Contemporary Latin America (2015-2020): Trends, challenges, and prospects
(CMI Report;, Research report, 2020)Through a review of scholarly and other well-informed articles as well as media reports, this CMI Report aims to summarize discussions on challenges for democracy and human rights in Latin America during the last half-decade. ... -
Den globale flyktningkrisen - de synlige og de usynlige
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Den europeiske delen av den globale flyktningkirsen har skapt et nyy geografisk hierarki av synlige og unsynlige flyktninger. De synlige er de som kommer til Europa eller har en mulighet til det. De usynlige er de som ikke ... -
Den stora segern fyller 60 : Segerdag, symbolåtervinning och ett förlorat fosterland
(NUPI Working Paper;707, Working paper, 2006)Uppsatsen handlar om firandet av 60-årsjubileet av andra världskrigets slut i Ryssland våren 2005. Den så kallade segerdagen som firas den 9 maj är en av landets största högtider. Uppsatsens huvudintresse är hur bilden av ... -
Desinformasjon virker
(Chronicle, 2019)Hvordan skal vi bekjempe desinformasjon? I USA har ulike forskergrupper arbeidet med å systematisere og kartlegge omfanget av desinformasjon rundt presidentvalget. De har nylig lagt frem sine rapporter til Senatet. Disse ... -
Det frie internettet er under angrep
(Others, 2017)