Browsing NUPI Research Online by Title
Now showing items 959-978 of 1532
Pakistan’s Police between Centralization and Devolution
(NUPI-rapport;, Research report, 2010) -
Parabasis: Cyber-diplomacy in Stalemate
(NUPI Report, Research report, 2018)Governments and industry around the world are working together to bring the next billion users online,1 but their synergies fade when it comes to how to keep online populations safe and secure. Further, the third and fourth ... -
Parade, Plebiscite, Pandemic: Legitimation Efforts in Putin’s Fourth Term
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021) -
The paradoxes of EU crisis response in Afghanistan, Iraq and Mali
(Chapter, 2021) -
Parental Child Abduction and the State: Identity, Diplomacy and the Duty of Care
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)States alternate between the roles of ‘caretaker’ and ‘rescuer’ when providing care to citizens abroad. This article suggests that they are more likely to assume the ‘rescuer’ role when core values underpinning their ... -
Participatory Democracy and Evidence-based Decision Making at the Local Level in Ukraine : end review
(NUPI Report;2019-3, Research report, 2019) -
Partnership and Discord: Russia and the construction of a post Cold War security architecture in Europe 1991–2000
(NUPI Rapport;276, Research report, 2003)This study analyses Russia’s approach to the construction of a post-Cold War security architecture in Europe from 1991 to 2000. The author examines tensions, contradictions and ambiguities in Russia’s policy that contributed ... -
Party System Institutionalization and Economic Voting: Evidence from India
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)It is well established that a country’s institutional features can weaken economic voting because voters find it hard to attribute performance to specific parties. We argue that local-level party system institutionalization ... -
Patterns of Similarities and Differences in Post-Conflict Community-Oriented Policing—A Matter of Trust
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)An analysis of Community-Oriented Policing (COP) in 12 post-conflict cases suggests that while the concept of COP holds promise of representing a more sustainable approach to conventional post-conflict police reform, among ... -
Patterns of Trade and Foreign Direct Investment in Africa : A simple test of the new trade theory with multinationals
(NUPI Working Paper;607, Working paper, 2000)In this study, we present an empirical survey of the patterns of trade and FDI in Africa based on a sample of 28 countries and their transactions with the OECD countries. These patterns are used to test whether the predictions ... -
På bålet - UK og folkeavstemmingen
(Journal article, 2016)Britene kan sette EU i brann med sin folkeavstemming. -
På hvilke områder har Norge best forutsetninger for å bidra til å styrke det nordiske forsvarssamarbeidet? Rapport til Forsvarskommisjonen, juni 2022.
(Research report, 2002)Rapport levert til Forsvarskommisjonen i juni 2022. -
På tide å tenke nytt om Iran
(Kortinfo fra DNAK;2-2019, Research report, 2019)Det overordnede målet for USAs såkalte "maximum pressure"-strategi har vært å fremforhandle en bedre atomavtale med Iran, samt å svekke både Teherans innflytelse i Midtøsten og ayatollah Khameneis grep om makten. Men har ... -
Peace Capacities Network Annual Meeting Report 2014
(NUPI Report;, Research report, 2014) -
Peace Capacities Network Research Workshop Report 2014
(Research report, 2015) -
Peace Capacities Network Synthesis Report: Rising Powers and Peace Operations
(NUPI Report;2016-3, Research report, 2016)This report presents the research of the Peace Capacities Network into the policies and roles of a select group of so-called ‘rising powers’ in international peace operations and UN peacekeeping reform. The case studies ... -
Peace Operations in Africa: the Next Decade
(NUPI Working Paper;721, Working paper, 2007) -
Peacebuilding in Liberia and the Case for a Perspective from Below
(Security in Practice;8-2010, Working Paper, 2010) -
Peacekeeping and Counter-insurgency - Two of a Kind?
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010)